Challenges and Opportunities
Our client needed to upgrade their desktop GIS workflow application with advanced features as their current platform was built using ArcMap, which would soon become obsolete.
- The Arc Map was a single-threaded application.
- ArcMap lacked a dedicated tool for parcel editing.
- Their platform was configuration based and used a single file for configuration.
Our Solution
We incorporated multiple workflows (like Ownership transfer, Combine parcels, Discover, Retired parcel, Split parcels, Non-Mapped, Parent Child and transfer, Ad Hoc, Subdivision of parcels, GIS-only edits), including the split workflow for dividing a parcel by area to create new parcels.
The split workflow in Parcel Sync Pro is a feature that allows users to split a parcel into two or more separate parcels. This is useful when a property owner wishes to subdivide their property or when a local government needs to update its parcel data to reflect changes to property boundaries.
- The platform is designed to run on ArcGIsPro and supports data sharing across multiple other platforms, featuring robust capabilities.
- ArcGIS Pro is a multi-threaded application.
- We designed the platform using multiple files for quick and easy configuration.
- We created multiple tasks under Split workflow, including select parent, transaction information, split, attribution, addressing, overlay calculation, topology validation, and data validation.
- The platform is facilitated with enhanced Mapping Capabilities, including improved labeling and annotation tools, new cartographic tools, and enhanced symbiology options.
Technology Stack
React Js
SQL Server
Agile Methodology
Impact and Business value
- Enhanced functionality and better performance due to advanced spatial analysis, 3D mapping, and real-time data visualization.
- Smooth, quick, and cost-effective transition due to technical expertise and support.
- Technical training helped to fully leverage the new Parcel SyncPro Platform and maximize its value.
- Modernizing the Parcel Sync platform improved efficiency, accuracy, and functionality, enabling better decision-making and supporting long-term growth and success.
- Improved collaboration, cost savings, and improved productivity.