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6 Jira Capabilities that are Fuelling ‘Agile’ Project Execution in 2022-01
Sunil Pandey
6 Jira Capabilities that are Fuelling ‘Agile’ Project Execution in...

Jira’s New Capabilities Helping Agile Team with Multitude of Tools Businesses and technological forces are vying to become more agile...

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Top 7 Software Testing Trends to Follow Closely in 2021
Sunil Pandey
Top 7 Software Testing Trends to Follow Closely in 2021

Testing is an integral part of the software development lifecycle and changes in tandem and as radically as software development....

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Techment’s Testing focus areas
Sunil Pandey
Explore Techment’s State-of-the-art Software Testing Process

Applications that deliver an exceptional Customer Experience (CX) have gone through an extensive testing process that rectified issues/bugs and made...

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AI In Software Testing
Sunil Pandey
Behold The New AI Automation Wave: AI in Software Testing

AI is transforming various facets of technology, with none outside its purview. Testing is one such area in which AI...

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