Even in the darkest nights of economic down turns, startups amaze us like auroras, the majestic, polar lights. They are the disruptors, who today, stand disrupted. Facing the double whammy of revenue drop and funding shortages, 40% of startups are in the red zone. Experts say and research points out that the difference in the performance of companies during and after the crisis, depends on how well they were prepared for it, and how they strategize for the future. In this paper, we have synthesized most significant research outcomes and interviewed experts to demystify the areas that need utmost attention and the strategic moves for long term sustenance.
In times like these, even startups have to start over. Leadership changes, new models of data-driven decision making, the exercise of utmost discretion while cutting costs, visionary as well as imperative investment in technology, and branding efforts are the most vital areas which must be unshackled. Also, while managing growth and such a volume of changes, entrepreneurs must ensure that the unique identity or spirit is not lost, as scaling is the most precarious phase of a startup’s journey.
From innovation to culture, data is the enabler-in-chief. The advanced technologies have erased the old rules, and those who harness the power of data, AI, IoT, etc. are most likely to make the new ones.