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Platform for Verified Fund Raising

A state-of-the-art platform for Verified Fund Raising


The industry of donations is a noble one, that helps those in need for funds which can bring about a positive change. Our client is a communications firm specializing in development communications for leading education and healthcare non-profits. They are a nationally recognized firm that builds tools to support organizations one-to-one engagement of major donors and we partnered with them from scratch, and over the years our technology solution has enabled their great success.

Challenges and Opportunities

Our client had identified a gap in the market and wanted to parlay deep subject matter expertise. The core challenges they faced was :

  • Scalability – Our client was also aware of the scalability problems that hinder growth.
  • Cyber security and Privacy – Our client expected a lot of financial transactions, and thus was concerned about these issues.
  • Efficiency and Productivity – During the expansion phase, when methods are fluid, they want an agile solution for better efficiency.

Our Solution

We incorporated multiple workflows (like Ownership transfer, Combine parcels, Discover, Retired parcel, Split parcels, Non-Mapped, Parent Child and transfer, Ad Hoc, Subdivision of parcels, GIS-only edits), including the split workflow for dividing a parcel by area to create new parcels.

Techment Technology, after gathering their requirements, set forth on the task of building a digital platform that would enable their clients to share highly personalized, highly engaging content with their “top-of-the pyramid” prospects.
Our technology solution helped them revolutionize the advancement communications dynamic, by providing frontline fundraisers with ‘Personalization’ we provided :

  • A mechanism to deliver personalized, on-brand content around an individual donor’s affinity area and personal relationship.
  • Further, the platform individualized impact reports that can be both built at scale and also blend detailed financial information with stories of impact.

Technology Stack


React Js



SQL Server



Agile Methodology





Impact and Business value

The results of our technology partnership were very encouraging. Here are the highlights :

  • Within three years beta launch, our client has attracted 30 new clients (and counting) producing recurring revenue for its business.
  • The one-to-one, personalized digital engagement has streamlined client business practices and drastically reduced costs.
  • The digital approach reduces the time necessary to establish a communication channel while the personalization elevated donor engagement.
  • Robust analytics improve understanding of donor behavior and interests enabling deeper targeting.
  • Donor feedback, measurable interactions, and market reception have exceeded expectations.

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