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Saurabh Rai
How DevOps Facilitates the Retail & Ecommerce Industry?

Technology disruption is something that brings threat to the industries but also provides an opportunity to think ahead of its...

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Data Visualization Becoming Mainstream Adoption in Retail
Data Visualization in Retail Bringing Insight-driven Advantage in Digital Terrain

Data Visualization Becoming Mainstream Adoption in Retail Data is the new king, in all its sizes, shapes, bits and pieces....

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6 Imperatives for Digitalization of Retail Supply Chain in New Normal-01
Harshad Bajpai
6 Imperatives for Digitalization of Retail Supply Chain in New...

The supply chain in retail was immensely affected last year due to a pandemic which along with the growing trade...

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![Top 6 Retail Trends-01.png](https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/71a1c80c-c0fb-44d5-bc4b-fb19fb11fc19/Top_6_Retail_Trends-01.png)
Top 6 Retail Trends Unfolding New Dimensions for Customer Retention

The year 2020 saw the growth of “at home” service in all sectors and retail was on the periphery of...

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