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5 Decision Imperatives for Selecting Technology and Outsourcing Partner in 2022

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Harshad Bajpai

In this article | Nov 24, 2021

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Technology Partnership Beget Longevity in Business

A technology partner is much more than just a participant. Technology partners focus on building a client-partner relationship versus a client-supplier relationship. They don’t just sell a product, but provide long-term service and support that act as or complement your internal technology experience. 

Technology partnerships typically take place between the technology vendors that deliver the product or services and the companies that use those systems in their day-to-day operations. In addition to helping businesses experience smooth implementation processes, technology partnerships also provide platform integration support for businesses using IT systems from different businesses that need to work in sync with each other. 

The technological landscape keeps changing quickly and it’s arduous for enterprises to constantly research and implement new technologies. Technology partners in this case help to keep business technologies and business strategies relevant and to uncover new solutions. More importantly, they help see through vogue in technology and ensure the new venture for your business in the long haul.

IT Outsourcing Partnership: Whether Your Company Needs One?

Partnerships bring together two or more companies in a structurally integrated way to produce untapped efficiency gains. 

  • If you are grappling to measure performances at regular intervals strengthen a partnership as it progresses. 
  • If your company lacks technology, a partner helps to choose relevant technology, discover new solutions, lets you know about technology trends and ensures new ventures are relevant to your business in the long run.
  • A long-term partnership offers the two companies the opportunity to discover each other and to forge quality relationships with the people who drive them, thus facilitating collaboration and rapid adaptation to any challenge.

Outsourcing is not as simple as selecting a supplier and handing over the keys. Developing a partnership can be time consuming as it is necessary to create procedures from scratch and develop a training plan if the potential supplier is not intimately aware of their business needs.

Why is Technology Partnership Imperative for Digital Transformation?

While the business landscape is fast-paced and with new technological challenges and opportunities, they are dealing with unparalleled ways of disruptions which have brought digital transformation. To introduce emerging technologies easily, companies are seeking outsource enterprise partnership. Digital transformation is about creating an integrated structure that transforms the way work is done in an IT organization. For many organizations with limited resources that lack the experience or knowledge to run such a complex business, digital transformation can be a daunting challenge.

The best enterprise partners support organizations and provide practical tools with comprehensive experience in areas vital for digital transformation, such as big data, cloud computing, AI, IoT, business development, mobile applications, etc. and best supporting business strategies.

To fill the gap between requirement of technological capabilities needed and expertise required for transformation, organizations are unifying their internal sources with outsourced digital transformation partners. 

Which 5 Traits of Outsourcing Technology Partners to Consider Before Collaborating ?

Outsourcing partnership can be a decisive step as technology partners enhance the knowledge of teams and tackle the problems which companies can’t and provide stability as your company expands. Keeping the core business in the center, and outsourcing other aspects will also be a proven path for business growth.

Look into these 5 facets to select IT outsourcing partner before collaborating:

5 Facets to Select IT Outsourcing Partner Before Collaborating

  • Expert Engineers: In software development, a software engineer has to build a platform or application for a specific customer in a specific industry.
    The developer will follow a rigorous process with market analysis, roadmap planning, design, or scalability beyond what is needed because the solution should only work for a single user base. While outsourcing, engineers need to be skilled and supportive in fixing the problem and this is what outsourcing a project is meant to do.
  • Tech Partners Using Right Blend of Technology Stack: Make sure your tech partners are using the right technology stack and intertwining the technology with your company’s needs. Lacking knowledge about the right platform for software/ product development may end up with less valuable results and hence partnering with experienced IT firms is a better way to move forward with.
    Partners who understand that a company cannot stick to just one technology, but needs to evolve, transform and extend, is a highly appreciated quality a enterprise partner should possess. So working with a multitasking partner provides support in complex business strategies and becomes a huge benefit.
  • Focus on Customer Satisfaction: Working with an outsourcing enterprise partner improves response times in many ways. For startups, an outsourcing partner is better suited to handle demand spikes.
    In addition, the right outsourcing partner will have more internal resources dedicated to maintaining continuous customer service improvement strategies. How management teams forecast demand hikes and allocate internal resources to reduce response times is a significant trait of a technology partner which should be considered.
  • Partners Capable of Verifying Your Idea: A tech support partner is expected to have a good technical team who can verify and test your ideas and its future scope with capability of assessment about the risk involved. Having an idea of future development is the usual capability found in every team you have partnered with, so if a team has, you have the right partner to see further scope of development.
    While undergoing through digital transformation ideating is an important aspect to judge as how it will scale in future in terms of technical capabilities. If it’s the first time an enterprise is partnering with a technology partner, then it’s better to check during the first collaboration, whether it can be promising and has the same pace as yours.
  • Seek Transparency: Any partnership must be based on trust between the technology partner and the company. Make sure that the project roadmap provided by the partner gives you full control of the process, especially in terms of budget, make sure everything is clear to avoid unpleasant surprises. 

In the phase of innovation, customer expectations are changing and while companies are undergoing digital transformation, they expect to provide better to their customers so they can make more informed decisions. Tech partners give you a huge opportunity to influence the overall user experience of your product.  But, you need to make sure that your tech support team knows the product inside out. This is why you should think carefully before you choose a partner.

Dynamic Technological Landscape Necessitate Technological Partnership

The major change that has transformed the way organizations understand outsourcing partnership is the shift from delegating small tasks to outsourcing more essential functions. 

As the benefits of partnering become increasingly clear, the effects of moving from competitor to partner will expand to all aspects of an organization and the way it operates. This gives every enterprise the confidence that its core business is not at risk and will more clearly highlight the space that exists within the industry.

In an increasingly dynamic and digital world, where innovation and disruption constantly feeds, no single organization can deliver all the value on its own. As a business, companies need to make connections and seek synergies, using cutting edge tools to identify, develop and deliver next generation value. Fortunately, embracing a frictionless business will help you conquer new markets that are already there and working on their piece of the puzzle.

In Techment Technology, we communicate with partners about what will work better for them and what won’t. Our team finds out the best possible solution for companies and startups. For free consultation, get in touch.

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