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Innovating Healthcare Delivery with Data-Driven
Insights and AI Advancements

Start Transformation with Us

Harnessing the potential of data and technology, we create advanced healthcare solutions prioritizing value-based care. We provide easy-to-use, flexible, and adaptable services that can be accessed anywhere/ anytime.  

Our experts are well-versed in security frameworks to help you create a fully compliant data stack. We help our clients build connected care to innovate collaboratively for the future.  

How Do We Help Drive Better Results?

Product Development and Enhancement
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Predictive, Prescriptive & Descriptive Analytics

  • Advanced statistical modeling and machine learning techniques
  • Historical data analysis - data aggregation and data mining
  • Latest visualization techniques to present data
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AIOps, MLOps in Healthcare

  • Data Quality and Integration
  • Data Security and Privacy
  • Predictive Maintenance
  • Anomaly Detection
  • Resource Optimization
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Patient Engagement and Remote Monitoring Solutions

  • User-friendly interfaces
  • Appointment scheduling and Remote monitoring 
  • Telemedicine options
  • Integration with electronic health records (EHR) 
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Interoperable and Connected Platforms

  • Support for mobile devices and wearables
  • Real-time communication and collaboration features
  • Scalable architecture to accommodate future expansions 
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MHealth Solutions

  • Integration with wearables
  • Data-driven insights
  • Accessibility across multiple devices and platforms

Benefits Derived from Our Solutions

  • Achieved a 90% satisfaction rate among users in usability testing.
  • Reduced response time by 50%, resulting in faster decision-making.
  • Successfully scaled the platform to accommodate 100% more users
  • Reduced time to deploy new features from 2 weeks to 1 week.
  • Achieved a 30% decrease in infrastructure and maintenance expenses.

Technologies Driving Our Solutions

Technology we Used

Compliances and Standards

Customer Success Stories

Automated Telehealth Therapy Platform

We created a one-stop solution to deliver teletherapy services and manage communication between stakeholders and brought intervention service through a secure cloud-based solution and automation.

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Digitized and Automated Platform for Mental Therapy

We provided a clinical AI solution to identify patterns of mental illness and enhance the patient-clinician relationship to facilitate early diagnosis, avoiding untimely delays.

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Optimizing Chronic Care with Reliable User Data

We migrated our client’s data to Azure Databricks, to ensure 100% on-time clean, secure, and reliable data to make chronic care management more efficient and clinically safe.

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