COVID-19 Impact on Startup Ecosystem and its Significance

4 years ago

Today, we live in a different world, a world with a blazing speed of innovation and creative destruction. The pandemic…

6 Powerful Reasons Why Startups Must Harness AI

4 years ago

Technology is an integral part of the new-age startups and young companies, but the term is highly subjective; how much…

Piecemeal Approach: The safest road to Digital Transformation

4 years ago

Around the world, CXOs of many organizations have expressed that the timeline for going digital has shrunk from 4-5 years…

Investment During Economic Downturn: A Key to Startup Success

4 years ago

During a downturn, a hostile business environment proves to be a stress-test for every organization. These exogenous macroeconomic shocks have…

Empowering Managed Care Providers with Process Automation

4 years ago

The Worker's Compensation industry is complex, as it involves multiple stakeholders, compliance's and a myriad of processes. A lot of…

The New Art of War: Artificial Intelligence

4 years ago

Are You Going to Fight Tomorrow’s Battles With Yesterday’s Tools? AI is a computer program with cognitive capabilities which enable…

Strategies That Lie at the Heart of Managing a Crisis

4 years ago

COVID-19 pandemic is the black swan event that has brought many dimensions of our world to an inflection point, even…

Why The Rise Of Telehealth Services Will Improve Healthcare?

4 years ago

In the USA, chronic diseases and mental health treatment costs constitute about 90% of the nation’s US$ 3.5 trillion healthcare…

Flutter has the Potential of becoming the Preferred Development Platform

4 years ago

Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit, a cross-platform framework which empowers businesses to develop beautiful, natively compiled applications from a single…